这张是在Jedediah state park里的boy scout trail 上拍的。我们一早往boy scout trail head开进去,沿途的Redwood 高耸挺拔,非常有气势。尤其公园里人烟稀少,灌木丛生,很有原始森林的感觉。听说星球大战里有很多外景就是在这里选的,不过我倒觉得更适合于侏罗纪公园了。我觉得真应该在这里拍SUV广告,画面从云层中出发,快速穿过云层向地面缩近,一片葱郁雄伟耸立的红杉林,镜头继续拉近,透过杉树林叶,在灌木丛中一辆越野车正快速向前穿梭行驶着,紧跟在其后的是一只巨大的食肉恐龙,露着惨白的厉齿发狂的追着越野车,恐龙边跑边拔起灌木丛向两旁扔去,大地随着恐龙的脚步不停的在颤抖。镜头向前拉去,一直拉入车里,父亲开着车,母亲靠在front passenge seat的椅背上睡熟了,两个孩子正聚精会神坐在后排看着Jurassic Park的DVD,一家人对外面发生的事一无所知,SUV继续平平稳稳地向前驶去,画面淡去,广告词打出... 超酷啊!不知道我能不能把这个构思卖给汽车广告商赚点小钱来花花呢?:P
Redwood Tree
The picture is taken at Boy Scout trail of Jedediah State Park. There are thousands of giant redwoods along the driveway to the head of the trail. I feel like I'm inside a prehistoric forest. Someone told me that many scenes from Star War were shot here, but I feel more like it should be Jurassic Park. I think this could be the best spot to take SUV advertisement. The scene starts from above the clouds, then going down toward the earth, closer and closer, a big junk of green color -- giant forest with millions of redwoods. Getting closer, through the leaves, in the bushes, a SUV swerves from a big bush, then speeds up and keeps running forward. Behind the SUV, there is an enormous dinosaur chasing after it. The dinosaur is already running crazy, his sharpen white teeth exposed outside of his mouth, puff through his huge nostrils. He pulls out all the bushes in front of him and throw them to the SUV in vain. Camera moving forward into the SUV, father is driving, mother already falls into sleep against front passenger seat back, two kids sitting on the back seat watching Jurassic Park DVD in the car. Everything is so calm and smooth in the car, and no one knows what happens outside the car. SUV keeps running forward; image fades, headline of the ads pops out ... SUPER COOL! I wonder whether I can sell the idea to some car manufacture to make some money! :P
森林里感觉像侏罗纪公园除了trail两侧高大垂直耸立的redwood外,还有就是树枝上挂满的这些不知是算苔类还是蕨类的东东了。它们纵横交错,好像一张巫婆张开的大网。整个trail中我们几乎就没有碰到其他hiking的人,四周十分安静,只有偶尔会听到lady bird的几声鸣叫和一些不知从哪里发出的奇怪声音,感觉阴森森的。好在同行的两位男士非常有绅士派头,一前一后让我走在中间,可我还时不时会有blair witch project的感觉,常常要回头看看后面的人是不是还在。:P
Blair Witch Project
Beside giant redwood trees in the park, the other thing which makes me feel like Jurassic Park is this kind of moss hanging from the tree branches. They intertwined, like a huge evil net. During the whole trail, we nearly met anyone. It's so quiet in the park, we can only hear the chirps from lady birds and some unknown weird noises. It's kind of scary there. But my two companions are both gentlemen, they let me walk in the middle, so I can be sure that there is always someone walking in front of and behind me. But I sometime still feel like I'm in the movie -- Blair witch project, so I have to keep checking whether the person behind me is still there. :P
地上到处布满了这样的fern还时不时会有倒掉的redwood横挡在trail中间,有几处可能是因为刚倒不太久,还没有来得及被清理掉,不高不低的躺在trail上,树身高树皮滑,翻过去是不太可能了,只能从树身和泥地的空隙中钻过去,好在我个子小,没有什么大碍,只是苦了同行的一位大约6 feet高的老兄,背着硕大的相机包,几乎是匍匐前进了。
In the forest, there is this kind of ferns everywhere. There is also redwood trees falling down by the trail. Several places, the trail is blocked by those redwood trees. The tree trunk is big and has moss around the tree bark, which makes it too slippery to climb over. So we have to crawl through the space between the tree and the mud. Fortunately I'm petite, so it's no big deal for me to crawl through, but it's quite hard for W who is almost 6 feet tall and carries a big camera bag, he almost had to crawl through with his stomach on the mud.
The reward at the end of the trail -- a small water fall.
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