Thanks for the trip, I learned a lot about the small town. Their people, culture and music fascinate me. My 4 day trip seems so short, I will have to go back there again!
Lijiang located in Yunnan province, southwest of China. It was a small, very well reserved, peaceful town. The only transportation utility before 1996 was bus. And it took days for people to get to Kunming (the capital of Yunan province).
In 1996, a 7.0 Earthquake stroke Lijiang, hundreds of people died and thousands of people injured. IRC came to Lijiang for rescue, that’s how this ancient town got revealed to the world.
丽江位于中国西南的云南省,曾是一个十分安静,保守的小镇,交通十分不便,唯一可以用的公共交通工具是汽车,但因为是山路,光从丽江到昆明就需要花上几天到一个礼拜的时间。1996年初,一场7级大地震袭击了丽江,数百人丧身,数千人受伤。国际救援组织赶来营救,这也使丽江显现于世界的面前。今天的丽江旅游业发达,人民的主要收入来自旅游 -- 餐饮,旅店,出租。现在可以称作飞机出入丽江,而且有直飞香港的班机,据说火车也马上就要通了。真是塞翁失马,焉之非福啊!
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